two women hugging after asking does your loved one have a prescription drug addiction

Does Your Loved One Have a Prescription Drug Addiction?

Loving someone who has a prescription drug addiction can be difficult. It is painful to watch your loved one slip further and further into their addiction. You might feel overwhelmed, angry, sad, or hopeless. Unfortunately, people who struggle with prescription drug addiction may not recognize their own problems or find the help they need to…

young woman sleeping peacefully in bed after learning how to fall asleep while being sober

How to Naturally Fall Asleep While Being Sober

A common issue for newly sober people and one of the most common withdrawal symptoms for alcoholics is the inability to sleep without alcohol. Additionally, other symptoms of alcohol addiction recovery can play a part in reduced sleep. The sweating, cold chills, and aches can all wreak havoc on getting a peaceful night’s sleep. Lack…

tired and hungover young woman learning how alcohol affects physical appearance of women

How Alcohol Affects the Physical Appearance of Women

There is a dramatic connection between alcohol and weight gain or the menstrual cycle in women. Modern science is still discovering many facts about the adverse effects of alcohol on women’s bodies. Call 833.754.0554 to speak with someone from the knowledgeable and compassionate team at Women’s Recovery in Colorado about how alcohol affects physical appearance—particularly…