a woman wonders is marijuana a gateway drug

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug for Women?

Today, more women are using marijuana than ever before. Most people view the consumption of this drug as harmless or low-risk, especially when compared to other substances. However, a significant number of users will develop an addiction. Enrollment in a marijuana addiction program is strongly recommended if this happens to you. Can marijuana use or…

a woman wonders how to taper off sleeping pills

How to Taper Off Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills are a diverse group of medications that help you fall asleep or stay asleep. Not all of these medications work in the same way. However, many of them share one thing in common. Namely, if you take them long enough, you can become dependent on them. If dependence occurs, experts recommend that you…

this woman wants to help an alcoholic friend

How to Help an Alcoholic Woman

If you’re a woman, you have unique risks for alcoholism. That includes the potential to develop an alcohol dependency faster than the average man. It may also involve having necessary treatment needs not as common for men in recovery. Taken together, these facts mean that gender-specific help for an alcoholic woman is often essential. They…

a woman suffers from painkiller addiction

When Painkiller Use Turns Into Addiction

Every day, millions of Americans take opioid painkillers as medication. Medications of this type can be highly effective. However, in all cases, they come with the risk of two issues: opioid dependence and opioid addiction. Your doctor can help you safely manage dependence. But unless you stay vigilant, it can eventually turn into an addiction.…

a woman assesses her addiction and trauma connection

The Connection Between Trauma and Addiction

When your safety, health, or dignity has been compromised, you can experience a long-lasting negative impact. In turn, you may suffer from anxiety, depression, or a trauma-related mental health condition like PTSD. As a result, you may end up turning to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate the symptoms of your condition. This dramatically increases the…

a woman deals with the effects of ativan addiction

Physical Effects of Ativan Addiction in Women

Ativan is the brand name for a generic medication called lorazepam. This medication is widely prescribed throughout the U.S. For a number of reasons, women make up a large percentage of people who take Ativan. This medication can provide essential benefits. However, if abused, it can also harm your physical health. Are you affected by…