Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs in Broomfield, Colorado
Many Broomfield, Colorado residents may be struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism We want to help people get sober by showing them where to find addiction recovery help.
According to The Denver Post, nearly a thousand Colorado residents died of drug overdoses in 2018. Although this is slightly lower than it was in 2017 (by 50-100 people), it’s still far higher than it was a decade ago.
It’s especially sad considering that Colorado is home to so many addiction resources. There are dozens of detox facilities and rehab programs designed to help people overcome substance abuse habits. There’s also a lively Twelve Step community made up of people who want to help others get sober.
We want to connect these resources to the people who need them. That’s why we’ve compiled this guide. Below, you’ll find some schedules for AA meetings and NA meetings in Broomfield, Colorado. There’s also information about local rehab programs.
Concerned that your drug or alcohol habit is spiraling out of control? Take one of our quizzes to find out if you have a problem:
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Broomfield, CO
There are many AA meetings in Broomfield. These meetings are free and open to the public. You are free to attend as many (or as few) meetings as you’d like, and there are no requirements for membership. As long as you have a strong desire to get sober, the group will welcome you with open arms.
In a typical Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, members get together and talk about their lives. They take turns sharing stories and discussing where things went wrong. They also update each other on their recovery progress. Some members have been sober for decades, which is very inspiring for newer members to hear about.
AA uses the Twelve Steps as its central model. The Steps are a structured system that helps people overcome bad habits. Throughout AA’s 75+ year history, this system has enabled countless people to quit drinking. Many people credit the steps for helping them turn their lives around.
Ready to quit drinking? Broomfield’s AA meetings could be the resource you need!
Sundays @8:00 PM
Broomfield Mornings
Yellow High School
650 Main Street
Broomfield, Colorado 80020
Thursdays @7:30 PM
Broomfield Any Lengths (Women’s Meeting)
United Church of Broomfield
825 Kohl Street
Broomfield, Colorado 80020
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in Broomfield, CO
Narcotics Anonymous is another addiction support group, similar to AA. Like Alcoholics Anonymous, it also uses the Twelve Steps as a roadmap to help members through recovery.
But as the name suggests, NA caters to drug addicts. It helps people with drug abuse problems – from prescription painkillers to heroin – work through their habits.
NA meetings are a lot like AA meetings. Members gather and talk for a few hours and open up about their lives. The environment is warm, welcoming, and compassionate. If you want to quit using drugs, the NA meetings in Broomfield could be a great place to start.
Thursdays @7:00 PM
Women’s NA Meeting
Broomfield United Methodist Church
545 West 10th Avenue
Broomfield, Colorado 80020
Fridays @6:30 PM
Broomfield NA
Brunner Farmhouse
640 Main Street
Broomfield, Colorado 80020
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs Near Broomfield
Looking for a good rehab program? If you live in Broomfield, you’re in luck!
There are several fantastic addiction treatment centers within driving distance of the town. These programs provide inpatient and outpatient care for drug addicts and alcoholics.
Rehab is a crucial step in the recovery process. In order to get sober (and stay that way), addicts must relearn how to live a drug-free life. After all, if you’ve been drinking or doing drugs for years, it’s easy to forget what that feels like. Rehab programs help recovering addicts through this transition.
In rehab, drug addicts and alcoholics go through intensive therapy, counseling, and group support sessions. They spend time learning about themselves and addiction. Therapists help them to develop tools for coping with stress while avoiding relapses. Most people benefit from this type of one-on-one care.
Want to learn more about how rehab can help you get clean?
Check out our Drug Addiction Rehab and Alcoholism Rehab pages!
Our Addiction Rehab Facility
Women’s Recovery maintains two facilities in Colorado: one in Denver and the other in Dillon. Our Denver facility is less than an hour away from Broomfield!
Women’s Recovery:
Let Us Help You Get Back on the Right Track
Don’t let drugs and alcohol control your life any longer. Women’s Recovery wants to help you take the reins back.
We provide high-end outpatient rehab treatment for women. We also offer specialized services such as trauma therapy and Vivitrol injections. If you’re ready to get sober, give us a call. A member of our staff will assess your problem and get you into rehab as soon as possible.