a young woman begins to wonder if she is quietly addicted to painkillers

Am I Quietly Addicted to Painkillers?

Almost 10 million Americans abuse pain medications every year. Included in this figure are millions of women. In addition, more than 10% of Americans develop diagnosable cases of painkiller abuse or addiction. Whether you know it or not, you may be included among those who are affected. If so, you need help from a painkiller…

a woman suffers from painkiller addiction

When Painkiller Use Turns Into Addiction

Every day, millions of Americans take opioid painkillers as medication. Medications of this type can be highly effective. However, in all cases, they come with the risk of two issues: opioid dependence and opioid addiction. Your doctor can help you safely manage dependence. But unless you stay vigilant, it can eventually turn into an addiction.…