Addiction Recovery Resources in Golden, CO
If you, or someone you know is in need of addiction recovery in Golden, CO, there is help.
In fact, there are many options available. This includes inpatient and outpatient services in or near Golden. Furthermore, there are free rehab resources available like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Golden. For family support, there is Al-Anon and Alateen. While we are offering information on these groups, we are not in any way affiliated with them. Whether it’s drug or alcohol rehab services in Golden, we can help you find the best alternative for you.
AA Meetings in Golden, CO
The Golden, CO area offers several options for AA meetings weekly.
2:00 pm
Golden Gates
25201 Golden Gate Canyon Rd.
Golden, CO
2:00 pm
Arid Group
1585 Quail St. Unit 19 238-5693
Lakewood, CO
SMART Recovery Meetings near Golden, CO
The closest SMART Recovery meeting to Golden is in Arvada, CO.
7:00 pm
5280 Wadsworth Bypass
Arvada, Colorado
Family Support Meetings
Al-Anon Meetings
7:00 pm
First United Methodist Church
1505 Ford Street
Golden, CO
Nar Anon
Golden NFG
7:30 pm
Calvary Episcopal Church 1320 Arapahoe Street,
Golden, CO
Alateen meetings
The closest Alateen meeting to Golden is in Arvada, CO.
Serenity Alateen
7:00 PM
Spirit of Christ Catholic Church
7400 W 80th Ave
Arvada, CO
Age range 9-18
Our Closest Rehab Facility
Our new addiction outpatient facility is Summit Women’s Recovery in Dillon, CO. It is just a little over an hour’s drive from Golden.
We also have an outpatient rehab center in Denver.
Golden, CO Detox Programs
There are a few options when it comes to the detox process. Most addiction programs will involve this essential first step. It’s where you rid the body of the toxins and treatments can differ depending on severity of addiction and what kind of substance is involved. There are detox programs you can do in a hospital. This might be something you do if you’re going with an outpatient addiction program in Golden. An inpatient rehab program will often include this before rehab commences.
Professional detox will help you manage the withdrawal symptoms that come with abstaining from drugs or alcohol. There is also the risk of dangerous withdrawal symptoms that should be monitored. The symptoms are often acute for the first week and then begin to taper off. Once you’ve completed detox, you’re more prepared to work with the psychological reasons for addiction.
Inpatient Rehabilitation
There are up to 15 inpatient rehabilitation centers in Golden, CO. They are known to offer the best treatment for addiction. You have the opportunity to get away from your day to day life and focus solely on your recovery. The triggers that exist at home during the beginning phases of addiction can put you at risk of relapse. With inpatient rehab, there is no opportunity to obtain whatever substance you’re addicted to. These programs are tailored to your specific needs, making them highly effective.
While there are a lot of benefits, that doesn’t necessarily mean an inpatient program is for everyone. Inpatient rehab for drugs and alcohol require that you stay on a campus for up to 28 days. If you need to continue working, this commitment may not be possible. For those with intense, long term addiction or with complex disorders like co-occurring disorder, inpatient may be the best option. Otherwise, there are more reasonable options that allow you to stay at home.
Outpatient Rehab Programs
There are around 15 outpatient rehab programs in or near Golden. CO. This includes Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP). Some of the outpatient services are free of charge with government or church organizations. These are usually best used for those who have already undergone a higher quality rehab in the past. It involves you going to meetings with group support.
IOP in Golden, Colorado gives you more than a normal outpatient program. They run programs that are similar to an inpatient rehab program. IOP will require you to commit to meetings and counseling sessions many times throughout the week. You will also gain valuable insights into health and nutrition. These are multifaceted programs that will provide you with unlikely tools such as meditation. It is very much like inpatient rehab, you just don’t have to stay at a campus setting. This allows you to maintain your lifestyle and continue with your responsibilities. Inpatient rehab programs in Golden will also cost you significantly less than inpatient rehab.
At Women’s Recovery, we have outpatient services in Denver and Dillon. Our program is gender specific, which makes it unique. Our Intensive Outpatient Program for women offers high quality addiction treatment in a safe place for women to heal. We offer individualized care so you get the treatment you need. Our programs are flexible so while you’re with us, you’ll be able to continue on with your responsibilities. You’ll have 10 hours per week to work with us on your addiction recovery.
Addiction Help Near Golden is Available
We at Women’s Recovery can help you gain your life back. We have two outpatient facilities in Colorado that help women specifically with addiction. Our programs directly deal with the underlying reasons women are likely to become addicted to substances. With our addiction experts working with you, you’ll have the support you need to really get past the disease. If you’re concerned about how to pay for a rehab program, verify your insurance with us now. You may get partial or full coverage to join our all women’s program.